Susan Newnam

💵Inspiring you on your journey to earn income from home

💻Digital Entrepreneur 📝 Homeschool Momma

Launching December 26, 2024


Beginner's Guide to Digital Marketing

Learn the basics of Digital Marketing, and the steps I followed to get started

The Best All in One Software

for your Digital Marketing Business

The Roadmap to Digital Excellence

with Master Resell Rights

Start you journey into Digital Entrepreneurship and earn 100% of the profits

AI Secrets for Entrepreneurs

Dive deep into the world of Artificial Intelligence and how it can revolutionize the way you do business!

Facebook Ads for Everyone!

Unlock the secrets of social media advertising.

Funnel Building Secrets

Discover the secrets to crafting funnels that keep your audience engaged and eager to buy.


Waterless Beauty Products

The future of beauty is Waterless! Discover the healing powers of the Ancient Mountain Olive Trees